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Finance Tutorial: Evaluating A Firm
Financial statements can be used as tools for
evaluating a firm’s financial performance. Complete the Finance tutorial
located on the student website to gather some tips about how to
evaluate a firms’ performance.
· Select Chapter 3: Evaluating a Firm’s Financial Performance.
· Select the tab on the left titled Lecture Notes. Read through the lecture notes.
Complete the “Try It Now” exercises along the way. After completing the
tutorial, brainstorm a list of strategies you can use for evaluating a
firm’s financial performance.
• Business Line of Credit:
Businesses must seek options to obtain short-term or long-term financing.
Visit a local bank or research a bank’s website to identify the types
of financing available to businesses.
· Describe the types of financing available for small and large businesses.
• Video Case: "Walt Disney Imagineering" (p. 87 in Understanding Business)
Companies can benefit from entering the global
market. Before entering the global market companies must make some
critical decisions, such as where, when, and how they will enter the
global market.
Watch the video case: "Walt Disney Imagineering" located on the student
website to see the decisions one company had to make when it entered
into the global market.
· Describe the challenges the company faced entering the global market.
· Explain the decisions the company made.
Learning Team
Learning Team
Weekly Reflection Resources: Ch. 1 of Understanding Business and Video
Case: “iContact: Blazing the Trail for Email Marketing” (p. 26 of
Understanding Business) located on the student websiteWatch the Video
Case “iContact: Blazing the Trail for Email Marketing” `Discuss with
your team the case and the Thinking It Over Questions located at the end
of Ch. 1 of Understanding Business.Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper
detailing the findings of your discussion, and the answers to the
Thinking It Over Questions.IndividualBusiness Analysis Part I
Write a paper no more than 2,200 words in which you assume the role of a
mutual fund manager deciding whether to invest in a specific company.
You will conduct a business analysis in the remaining weeks based on the
company you select. Select a Fortune 500 company.Conduct a SWOT
analysis for the organization you selected. Based on the information you
have gained from this analysis which parts of the SWOT analysis are
most relevant to your decision of whether or not to invest in this
company?Identify the company’s internal and external
stakeholders.Describe their wants and needs.Explain how the company is
fulfilling those needs. If the company is not fulfilling those explain
why the stakeholders’ needs are not being met and what the company needs
to do to ensure they are.Format your paper consistent with APA
For more information plz visit this link
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